Lab news

2025  |  2024  |  2023  |  2022 2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017


DECEMBER 2024: The Payne lab welcomed Andrew Overmiller, PhD, who received his PhD from Jefferson University working on non-adhesion roles of desmoglein 2 in keratinocyte biology, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at NIAMS studying cellular programs of tissue regeneration and wound healing.

SEPTEMBER 2024:  PAYNE LAB WEDDING! Congratulations to Emma and Erik – we loved being able to celebrate this special time with you.

AUGUST 2024: The Payne lab welcomed Gexin Zhao, MD, PhD as the first new NYC member of the Payne lab! Dr. Zhao received her PhD from Sun Yat-Sen University working on mRNA vaccine therapies against EBV-associated cancers.

AUGUST 2024: Congratulations to Casey, Sisi, and Christoph for their paper in Nature describing asymmetric cell division as a mechanism for fate commitment in CAR T cells.

JUNE 2024: The NIAID Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence ACV02 study on COVID-19 vaccine responses in autoimmune disease individuals (including 42 pemphigus patients – the largest cohort of its kind) is published in JCI Insight. We had a great time collaborating with Anne Davidson, Amit Bar-Or, Nina Luning Prak, Jerry Boss, Iñaki Sanz, PJ Utz, Judith James, Betty Diamond, Cynthia Aranow, and the rest of the ACV02 team to enroll and analyze this study.

MAY 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Casey Lee for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

May 2024:  Congratulations to Emma for her oral presentation at AAI on the comparative biology of canine cellular immunotherapies.

2025  |  2024  |  2023  |  2022 2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017
​Lab shipping address:
Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion
1150 St. Nicholas Avenue
3rd Floor, Room 315
New York, NY 10032
Clinical Office:
161 Fort Washington Avenue
12-1214 Herbert Irving Pavilion
New York, NY 10032